Our upcoming move 

In the autumn of 2025, the Donner Institute will move from Juridicum to Astra, Porthaninkatu 3. On this page you will find more information about the move and what it means for our services. We will update the page as soon as we have more information about the schedule and the moving process. 

What impact does the move have on DI? 

The move affects our services in several ways. The biggest change is that after the move, we will no longer have a library with open shelves. Most of our books will be in Åbo Akademi University Library’s remote warehouse Rix, in Masku. In Astra, we will only have a small library with the newest books from the last two years. 

After the move, books from our library can, as is already the case, be ordered via Alma, the search service for Åbo Akademi University Library. However, after the move the books will not be picked up from us at DI, but from Åbo Akademi University Library’s lending stations on campus. This means that after the move, one is not restricted to our opening hours for picking up loans. 

After the move, we will no longer be able to offer research places for doctoral students or reading places for visitors. However, we are happy to receive visits from people and groups who want to hear about our activities. We will also continue to help you find literature for research projects and receive your purchase suggestions.  

Do you have any questions? 

If there is anything you are wondering about regarding our upcoming move and do not get an answer to on this page, you are welcome to contact us via email at: donner.institute@abo.fi